A friend asked me recently..would you defend a rapist? Well, i don't practice criminal law i told her. Hypothetically, she added. That's the very reason i don't practice criminal law, now the questions are " hypothetically, would you defend a rapist" if i were to practice criminal law, i would most probably be facing the firing squad more often than not. I asked someone who does practice criminal law, how do you do it..how do you consciously defend a person you know is guilty..well, i don't accept cases who there's too much violence involved, for example, where the rape was brutal or premeditated or the murder was vengeful and merciless. i only accept cases for example where it was a case of mistaken believe of consent or a relationship went sour and the girl is crying rape. Yet at times, i am sure he would have found it difficult turning down a potential client. Why? well, the law assumes everyone to be "guilty" until proven "innocent".. So everyone has a right to legal representation and the lawyer has to do everything within the law (although the definition of "within the law" is vague) to ensure his client is proven not guilty. A lawyer as any person with an ounce of brain would know it, owes a duty of care towards his client. He is responsible in ensuring the best possible case is made for his client.A doctor makes his living by saving people, by improving the quality of life. Yet, all some doctors do is sell cough syrup to the hurly burly kaki fit and makes tonnes of money doing it. A pilot is a driver, class F1.. thats a few classes higher than a datuk's personal driver. An accountant finds ways for you to cheat on your taxes. A businessman robes u in broad daylight. Yet, for some reason, doctors, accountants, businessmen, pilots are good law abiding citizens. lawyers on the other hand, are despised. Some wont even agree to their daughter's marrying a lawyer.. lawyers are womanizers they say, cut throats, rude, all they think is" show me the money" " show me the money" like in that movie. Recently, somebody asked a very intelligent question, whats the difference between an undertaker and a lawyer? An undertaker clears bodies, buries the dead, makes sure there's no stench. Without him, where would the residues of life be dumped..lawyers on the hand buries disputes, gets rid of the stench of anger and misunderstandings and crime..without lawyers..disputes would be settled on the streets..we wouldnt want that now would we?
so, when you ask a lawyer, hypothetically,,would you defend a rapist? remember,,.if he doesnt...the father of the gal who was raped would probably murder her rapist and his father would murder her family and so on n so on...if lawyers stop doing their jobs..we would all be living in a huge pile of shit..u owe me money..how do i get back? we have a contract dispute, how do we settle it? every aspect of our lives is governed by the law.. and who knows the law better than lawyers..
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
4 months ago
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