The first time i stepped into a court room,well i was there as a spectator..But then, finally the day came,,i had to do my own matter. I was nervous as hell. It was a simple application but i had to stand up and address the Judge as My Lord, and follow certain protocol. Then i looked at the opposing lawyer, ii asked him, would you introduce us or do I do it..he said I will intro,,ahh..wat a relieve..sounds stupid i know..just standing up and saying my name..but a friend of mine accidentally called the Judge Tuan ( as we would address the Registrar) and he got a chastating of his life..haha..
soo that was the first day in the High Court..
I have seen a certain Court of Appeal Judge who is known for his sternness, scolding the living daylights out of a was a corum of 3 judges..all the lawyer did was to stand up and address the court as ..yang arif, yang arif, yang arif...the Judge stopped him in his tracks..Where did you study? did you do bahasa melayu in school..u dont even know your language..if there are 10 of us here you are going to go on like a fool yang arif ten times issit? the plural for yang arif is yang arif yang arif...understand? the poor boy was so shaken up bet he wished he was a pilot..haha..
now well,,i dont get scared anymore of how i am gona intro myself..more of how i am gona make a fool of myself if my submissions are bullshit..or if the judge asks me something bout the law and i stand there a complete blur...or if i open my mouth and utter bullshit comes out and the judge knows i know crap.or worse still if the opposing lawyer realize im new and takes me for a ride....ahh...fear..its always there...i have only been in practice for a few months..never even conducted my own trial or major hearing..practice makes perfect i time..hopefully i can take on any lawyer in town..all i do now is say jasprit's name three times and im feeling better already :) i love u baby...ure not with me but ure always with me..ure my heart beat, my strenght, my eyes and my immune system ;) muaaahh
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
4 months ago
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