When you meet the Cancer woman you will immediately know that you have met the most female of all females. She is intense, explosive, warm and genuine, the genie of the zodiac, the sensitive soul, the Moon disabled by love and emotion. You have nothing to fear, except yourself, in the changeability of her deep and dark side. Do not disappoint her for the woman with whom you have just become infatuated is the past-mistress of love and romance.
Cancer ladies are easily flattered and at their worse are unstable. Preparation for a life of swaying moods, indistinct emotions and powerful sensitivity have adapted this dippy bird to seek attention and seek out sympathy from a nice guy.
She is protective, gentle, highly intuitive and reflective of others moods. Yet like the Moon she sways, changing the light of the night from that pale ghostly shadow land to human and loony laughter. A bit touched, a bid sad, occasionally glad. Moon birds need close friends, domesticity and a strong, tender man to support them.
Sensitive, moody, nurturing and security -conscious, this woman can warm your heart, and in the next breath drench you in ice water. Don't expect predictability and never make the mistake of turning your back when she needs your attention. She may forgive, but forget, don't count on it! Once she is committed, you will wonder how you ever lived without her. She offers a very special love and gives it with generosity and completeness. Anything less would seem like cheating to her. Her moods may confuse you at times, but if you have a gift for helping her verbalize her feelings, it can do much to deepen the relationship. If you yearn for a women who is nurturing, protective and delightfully loving, you needn't look any further.
Don't lose heart if she appears cool and aloof at first, as this is usually just a protective devise. Even if she appears extroverted, underneath it all, she does have a cautious reserve until she feels safe with you. She admires strong, confident people, but they must show a sensitive side to their nature before she will let down her guard and be responsive. Her approach is the side-way crawl, but yours needs to be rather direct. Don't be afraid to show her the little child in you, as this will automatically make you all the more desirable. Remember, they don't call her the "mother of the zodiac" for nothing!
Offer to barbecue at her house and compliment her cooking. She likes all of the old fashioned romantic traditions of courtship, so arriving at the door with flowers is going to give you major points. She is impressed by good manners and likes to be treated like a lady at all times. She can be swept away by her emotions, but since the depth of her emotions is what makes her so special, it is usually best to allow them to build to a peak . This will ultimately give you both a chance to enjoy the emotional bonding of intimacy that comes with time.
Cancer females are very sensitive about everything near and dear to them. Never say bad things about her family members--ever! They do possess humor. Pay attention to all her handmade quilts and home crafts. If you are not marriage minded, don't play games with Cancer women.
Frankly, the Cancerian girl needs a permanent, stable relationship with someone who won't get twisted and confused every time she sulks or goes loopy. You've been introduced to an apparently hard, tough, thick-skinned woman in the crowd. It really seems unlikely that someone so extrovert and resilient could be reduced to tears by a slight put-down. But she can! She's an extrovert/introvert, a manic depressive and a bundle of fun when she's on one of her highs. She can be downright rude and criticise everything about you from your haircut to your taste in underwear but she won't survive an in-depth dissection of her own deeper and often weaker character. Cancer women will never make the first move, because they sincerely cannot cope with rejection.
In general, Cancerians are the first people to express emotion in any given situation -- the first to laugh and the first to tears. In this way, Cancer exemplifies the Cardinal Quality assigned to it. They are strong willed and persistent, and the rare occasions when their sympathy and kindness doesn't get them what they want they aren't above using emotional manipulation-- tears or sulking -- to get it. Within the Zodiac, Cancer is opposite Capricorn, the Sign of Social Status. While Capricorn is about how the world perceives you, people born under Cancer are more interested in their family and home life. They tend to be very protective of loved ones. They usually aren't ambitious, preferring the gentle and passive side of life.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. In ancient times, the Moon was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life. It represents fertility and instinct. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions. People born under Cancer tend to be more sensitive to the movement of the Moon through the Zodiac than other Signs are, their moods changing with the Moon's passage. They may be brooding or touchy when the Moon is passing through incompatible Signs, but strongly intuitive when the Moon is in a favorable Sign. Because of the maternal aspect of the Moon, Cancerians tend to have a strong need to protect themselves and their families. Generally domestic and peaceful, they have strong emotional drives and won't sit still when loved ones are threatened. Despite their general timidity, they can be patronizing when people cross them.
The Element associated with Cancer is Water. Water Signs are emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion, rather than physical action, practicality, or intellect. Cancerians are very intuitive, and emotion is a key part of their lives. They may be sentimental, often becoming collectors of things that remind them of family or the past. They need to be careful not to hoard things, however, and they can be possessive of what is theirs. They are thrifty, and dislike wasting money on frivolous things.
Because of their strong emotions, people born under Cancer may tend to live in the past. They are easily hurt, so they attempt to protect themselves from the emotional stress of the present by rehashing the past instead. Their warm and caring nature is very sensitive to other people's harshness. It is important for Cancerians to learn not to jump into self-protective mode at the first sign of trouble, because their need for security can prevent them from discovering new things.
Her imagination sizzles in bed, like throwing water on fire. But she needs emotional and sensual fulfillment, a physical experience that will change as easily as her moods. Cancerian ladies don't take to athletic body-building, or get obsessed about their weight, but they will make or break the sexual traditions if it means pleasing the one man they really want to impress.
Virgo and Cancer
Virgo is fascinated, intrigued, and sometimes even mesmerised by Cancer's inner qualities. You draw out each other's deepest, hidden feelings, drives, needs, and ambitions. The uncovering of your inner needs and hopes is likely to cause both of you to undergo some major personality changes as a result of this relationship. You share a deep, inner bond; this is not a light or superficial relationship!
Together the two of you have good instincts regarding investments, planning for the future, and awareness of the long-term effects of your actions. This is a boon and bodes well for the longevity of your relationship. Though not very glamorous, perhaps one of the greatest assets you have as a couple is your ability to simply wait out bad times, and to maintain realistic hope in the face of your problems.
You work well together on the level of practical, mundane affairs and could function very well as business partners. When you blend your energies, financial matters, investments, and plans for future security tend to work out quite well. Because you are able to cooperate to be faithful to your shared aims and goals, you make a successful team.
If you are willing to accept the less than beautiful and ideal aspects of one another, an authentic relationship based on compassion as well as eroticism can evolve.
The two of you really enjoy each other's company! Cancer has a great deal of confidence in Virgo and is able to see Virgo's best qualities. You are very encouraging and supportive of each other, helping each other to be more confident, open new doors, and advance and grow in both inner and outer ways.Both of you have the emotional habits of worry, anxiety, and over-concern about loved ones or life in general. You are both caring and supportive, but you express this in different ways.Cancer has a lot of emotional ups and downs and appreciates Virgo's quiet devotion and faithfulness.Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate each other.Virgo must be prudent, and Cancer must strive to be forgiving when things to a little awry. However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another (and to your children if you have them), and taking care of one another comes naturally to you.
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
4 months ago
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