Saturday, May 30, 2009
100 truth bout me
Last beverage: Milo
Last phone call: Papa
Last text message: poo
Last song you listened to: silinder pardesi - hey soniye
Last time you cried: emm..last week
Dated someone twice: no way
Been cheated on: emm..yeah
Kissed someone & regretted it: nope
Lost someone special: yes.
Been depressed: yes..this month from the day 1st till now
Been drunk and threw up: no
Made a new friend: yea..few
Fallen out of love: naah
Laughed until you cried: hahaha..cant remember
Met someone who changed you: yeah..
Found out who your true friends were: yea
Found out someone was talking about you: yea
Kissed anyone on your friend's list: no
How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:80%
How many kids do you want to have: 2
Do you have any pets: no
Do you want to change your name?: not at all
What did you do for your last birthday: celebrate with family..21st
What time did you wake up today: 09am
What were you doing at midnight last night: watch tv and read slides
Name something you CANNOT wait for: go bc to msia ..i miss home badly.
Last time you saw your Mother: 1mth 25days ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: satisfied everyone around me but i juz CANT!!
What are you listening to right now: cooler sound
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope
What's getting on your nerves right now: my empty stomach seeking for good food
Most visited webpage: facebook and malaysia kini
Whats your real name: jasprit kaur sawaran singh
Nicknames: jas/prity
Relationship Status: in-relationship with sachpal
Zodiac sign: cancer..most female of all females
Male or female?: female le
Elementary?: SK Gombak utara , SK danau kota
Middle School?: SMK Taman Melati
High school/college?: ATC kemayan, Universitas Sriwijaya
Hair colour: Black
Long or short: Long
Height: 164cm
Do you have a crush on someone?: my bf
What do you like about yourself?: my strength, spirit, kindness and loyalty
Piercings: yea.ear
Tattoos: nope
Righty or lefty: right
First surgery: never
First piercing: age 7
First best friend: Regina.
First sport you joined: Volley ball
First vacation: Cherating..kuantan
First pair of trainer:
Eating: bread talk..choc bread
Drinking: mineral
i'm about to: cook..but dunno wt to cook
Listening to: cooler sound
Waiting on: holiday
Want kids?: of course
Get Married?: soon..2012.hahaha
Career?: Dr.Jasprit kaur sawaran
Lips or eyes: both
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller..
Older or Younger: younger
Romantic or spontaneous: both
Nice stomach or nice arms: emm...i wan slim no extra FATS..PLS!
sensitive or loud: i dislike both
Hook-up or relationship: confuse
Trouble maker or hesitant: eeee
Kissed a stranger: no way
Drank hard liquor: never
Lost glasses/contacts: hahaha...countless
Sex on first date: no way even after 100 dates no way
Broken someone's heart: cant remember .
Been arrested:no
Turned someone down: sorry
Cried when someone :yes
Fallen for a friend?: nah
Yourself: 100% positive
Miracles: i dont know
Love at first sight: ans
Heaven: yea
Santa Claus: hahaha
Kiss on the first date: no
Angels: yes
Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no
Did you sing today?: juz now
Ever cheated on somebody?: cant remember
If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: dowan
If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: aug 2007
Are you afraid of falling in love?:no
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
stress mode
no specific topic..
juz gona crap lil bit...
stress mode now, exam very very soon...
alot to study ..haih
this is my 12th blok, about respiratory sys
em..wt else to say??
oh ya.. last saturday 23rd mei my cousin got engage..i miss it.1st family function i sad :((
wish him happy engagement rishi.. happy for u my *sexy* cousin
hope can make it for his wedding but for now im excited for another cousin wedding on june 6th.
i will be attending...yeayyy..* happy
gona dance dance *:)))*
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Turning 30
Let me most would say..i dont knw when and how i turned 30. I feel more 20 though i wish i still look 20. As jas rightly put it, all i have to do is shed the pounds and i would probably look 20 again..haha..well..not she said it..i said tht to my birthday resolution would, in order of priority be:
1) Give as much love as i can muster to the one women i truly care for and love with all my
heart,my baby.. She's such an angel and i love her so obviously, shes my priority
2) To work my ass off and make a name for myself. Im what some would call , a late boomer..I
finished studying late, , after stpm and engineering at upm and law,,and clp,, im finally
a qualified lawyer. I dont look at myself that way, i was just giving the others a head start,
they would need it, for once i get on a run, thrs no stopping me. haha..I went for an
interview and was asked,, wat do u want..i said well,, all i want is to be a good lawyer..
3) I want to makes loads of money, buy a RM2 million bungalow and a BMW 5 series. To do
that, resolution number 1 and 2 has to be fullifiled first. Without love, no effort is worthwhile,
without effort, nothing is worthwhile.
4) I wana loose weight.
5) I wana eventually marry my baby, when shes ready to get married. Again, number 1, 2,3
and 4 is a precondition i suppose to number 5..haha
Turning 30 is not a milestone. Its more a chance to stop, look back and uff ..a sigh of relief.. i got through my 20's without indulging in the 3, women and money...without being an alcoholic, without becoming a womanizer and without being a bankrupt, add to that without picking up the habit of smoking or gambling..I would add more to it when i actually do turn 30..till then..i think im gona enjoy my 20's just a little bit more..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Loving You is Easy
Cancer ladies are easily flattered and at their worse are unstable. Preparation for a life of swaying moods, indistinct emotions and powerful sensitivity have adapted this dippy bird to seek attention and seek out sympathy from a nice guy.
She is protective, gentle, highly intuitive and reflective of others moods. Yet like the Moon she sways, changing the light of the night from that pale ghostly shadow land to human and loony laughter. A bit touched, a bid sad, occasionally glad. Moon birds need close friends, domesticity and a strong, tender man to support them.
Sensitive, moody, nurturing and security -conscious, this woman can warm your heart, and in the next breath drench you in ice water. Don't expect predictability and never make the mistake of turning your back when she needs your attention. She may forgive, but forget, don't count on it! Once she is committed, you will wonder how you ever lived without her. She offers a very special love and gives it with generosity and completeness. Anything less would seem like cheating to her. Her moods may confuse you at times, but if you have a gift for helping her verbalize her feelings, it can do much to deepen the relationship. If you yearn for a women who is nurturing, protective and delightfully loving, you needn't look any further.
Don't lose heart if she appears cool and aloof at first, as this is usually just a protective devise. Even if she appears extroverted, underneath it all, she does have a cautious reserve until she feels safe with you. She admires strong, confident people, but they must show a sensitive side to their nature before she will let down her guard and be responsive. Her approach is the side-way crawl, but yours needs to be rather direct. Don't be afraid to show her the little child in you, as this will automatically make you all the more desirable. Remember, they don't call her the "mother of the zodiac" for nothing!
Offer to barbecue at her house and compliment her cooking. She likes all of the old fashioned romantic traditions of courtship, so arriving at the door with flowers is going to give you major points. She is impressed by good manners and likes to be treated like a lady at all times. She can be swept away by her emotions, but since the depth of her emotions is what makes her so special, it is usually best to allow them to build to a peak . This will ultimately give you both a chance to enjoy the emotional bonding of intimacy that comes with time.
Cancer females are very sensitive about everything near and dear to them. Never say bad things about her family members--ever! They do possess humor. Pay attention to all her handmade quilts and home crafts. If you are not marriage minded, don't play games with Cancer women.
Frankly, the Cancerian girl needs a permanent, stable relationship with someone who won't get twisted and confused every time she sulks or goes loopy. You've been introduced to an apparently hard, tough, thick-skinned woman in the crowd. It really seems unlikely that someone so extrovert and resilient could be reduced to tears by a slight put-down. But she can! She's an extrovert/introvert, a manic depressive and a bundle of fun when she's on one of her highs. She can be downright rude and criticise everything about you from your haircut to your taste in underwear but she won't survive an in-depth dissection of her own deeper and often weaker character. Cancer women will never make the first move, because they sincerely cannot cope with rejection.
In general, Cancerians are the first people to express emotion in any given situation -- the first to laugh and the first to tears. In this way, Cancer exemplifies the Cardinal Quality assigned to it. They are strong willed and persistent, and the rare occasions when their sympathy and kindness doesn't get them what they want they aren't above using emotional manipulation-- tears or sulking -- to get it. Within the Zodiac, Cancer is opposite Capricorn, the Sign of Social Status. While Capricorn is about how the world perceives you, people born under Cancer are more interested in their family and home life. They tend to be very protective of loved ones. They usually aren't ambitious, preferring the gentle and passive side of life.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. In ancient times, the Moon was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life. It represents fertility and instinct. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions. People born under Cancer tend to be more sensitive to the movement of the Moon through the Zodiac than other Signs are, their moods changing with the Moon's passage. They may be brooding or touchy when the Moon is passing through incompatible Signs, but strongly intuitive when the Moon is in a favorable Sign. Because of the maternal aspect of the Moon, Cancerians tend to have a strong need to protect themselves and their families. Generally domestic and peaceful, they have strong emotional drives and won't sit still when loved ones are threatened. Despite their general timidity, they can be patronizing when people cross them.
The Element associated with Cancer is Water. Water Signs are emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion, rather than physical action, practicality, or intellect. Cancerians are very intuitive, and emotion is a key part of their lives. They may be sentimental, often becoming collectors of things that remind them of family or the past. They need to be careful not to hoard things, however, and they can be possessive of what is theirs. They are thrifty, and dislike wasting money on frivolous things.
Because of their strong emotions, people born under Cancer may tend to live in the past. They are easily hurt, so they attempt to protect themselves from the emotional stress of the present by rehashing the past instead. Their warm and caring nature is very sensitive to other people's harshness. It is important for Cancerians to learn not to jump into self-protective mode at the first sign of trouble, because their need for security can prevent them from discovering new things.
Her imagination sizzles in bed, like throwing water on fire. But she needs emotional and sensual fulfillment, a physical experience that will change as easily as her moods. Cancerian ladies don't take to athletic body-building, or get obsessed about their weight, but they will make or break the sexual traditions if it means pleasing the one man they really want to impress.
Virgo and Cancer
Virgo is fascinated, intrigued, and sometimes even mesmerised by Cancer's inner qualities. You draw out each other's deepest, hidden feelings, drives, needs, and ambitions. The uncovering of your inner needs and hopes is likely to cause both of you to undergo some major personality changes as a result of this relationship. You share a deep, inner bond; this is not a light or superficial relationship!
Together the two of you have good instincts regarding investments, planning for the future, and awareness of the long-term effects of your actions. This is a boon and bodes well for the longevity of your relationship. Though not very glamorous, perhaps one of the greatest assets you have as a couple is your ability to simply wait out bad times, and to maintain realistic hope in the face of your problems.
You work well together on the level of practical, mundane affairs and could function very well as business partners. When you blend your energies, financial matters, investments, and plans for future security tend to work out quite well. Because you are able to cooperate to be faithful to your shared aims and goals, you make a successful team.
If you are willing to accept the less than beautiful and ideal aspects of one another, an authentic relationship based on compassion as well as eroticism can evolve.
The two of you really enjoy each other's company! Cancer has a great deal of confidence in Virgo and is able to see Virgo's best qualities. You are very encouraging and supportive of each other, helping each other to be more confident, open new doors, and advance and grow in both inner and outer ways.Both of you have the emotional habits of worry, anxiety, and over-concern about loved ones or life in general. You are both caring and supportive, but you express this in different ways.Cancer has a lot of emotional ups and downs and appreciates Virgo's quiet devotion and faithfulness.Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate each other.Virgo must be prudent, and Cancer must strive to be forgiving when things to a little awry. However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another (and to your children if you have them), and taking care of one another comes naturally to you.
Punjabi Valentine
It is a well known fact that Punjabi men, continually mistreat and disrespect their wives (Punjabans). One fine day, it happened to be the 14th day of February, one brave Punjaban, having had enough "torture" by her husband, finally chose to rebel by beating him up with a Velan (rolling pin).
This was a momentous occasion for all Punjaban women and a revolt soon spread, like wild fire, with thousands of housewives beating up their husbands with the Velan.
There was an outburst of moaning "chapatti-ed" husbands all over Jalandhar and Ludhiana. The Punjabi men-folk quickly learnt their lesson and started to behave more respectfully with their Punjabans.
Thereafter, on 14th February, every year, the womenfolk of Punjab would beat up their husbands, to commemorate that eventful day. The wives having the satisfaction of beating up their husbands with the Velan and the men having the supreme joy of submitting to the will of the women they loved. Soon The Punjabi men realised that in order to avoid this ordeal they need to present gifts to their wives....they brought flowers and sweetmeats. Hence the tradition began. As Punjabis under the influence of Western culture, that day was called 'Velan time' day.
The ritual soon spread to Britain and many other Western countries, specifically, the catch words 'Velan time!'. Of course in their foreign tongues, it was first anglisised to 'Velantime' and then to 'Valentine'. And thereafter, 14th of February, came to be known as valentine's day..
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Love U
its my birthday ....dont forget ok.
23 06 bday..
countdown friends.....hahahhahahah
beside tht..the main reason is..i hate this month..
i hate may.
i hate mei.
i hate 05.
This is not a good mth..alots of problem..tears...depression
i fight alot..
i cried alot..
smal little thing can bring me into depression case ..
i ignore my loves once..
i scold them..
i miss those times...
i miss my old friends
i dont know why i did al tht?..
im sorry..
but sometimes its not always my fault..
its u...beyond limit..i can endure but i think this time u tested me brutally..
silent is best treatment for me..i know some ppl wont agree with this but for me silent is this mood i might explode and when i get a****** bf wil sue u..hahaha.
i need time to recover..might takes weeks months years..god knows
i dont talk to u doesnt means
i dont care for u
i dont love u
i dont need u
i will always need , care n love u
i love u..
my love
my friends my family
i love every single of u
i love u..
morning i was so lazy to get up as it was raining so can u imagine to get up in tht situation.
* Gggggggggrr * ...
finally i got up n get my self ready for saturday morning cls...yeah..clock shows 7.45am and i having my breakfast..milo with biscuits.nyam nyam..i know very simple but without tht..jasprit kaur is invisible.
finish drinking..i decide to move now..but sham not ready have to go alone.sham will come later with ojek..emm..syahmi is leaving also and he is alone coz his gmuk man is still on the bed..we walk together..took bus..reach cls.already start,but we juz missed 2 slides.So ok la
Itwas skill lab actually of radiology..i didnt get anything..busy talking at the bc..hahahha..left syahmi n the girls..right harvin n kavin..
cls finish..both of n syahmi the 1st 2 to came out hahahah...we the last to enter also...
stomach making decide to have lunch..honestly i cant find any good food at mdg beside pizza, kfc and McD
finally syahmi came up with McD..yeahhh..he can read my mind..:)
had our lunch at McD.i blanja syahmi n he blanja me ..hahahahah..
move bc to home..Zzzzzzzz..
this is my bored.
i want...
i want to eat kenny rogers
i want to drive my baby
i want to hug tight my jaan
i want to sleep on my bed under AC!!
i want to eat my sis food
i want to gossips with my mother
i want to have some politics talks with dad
i want to irritate my bro
i want to drive down to petalings street
i want to meet baby max
i want to go sentul gurdwara
i want to eat roti canai
at the moment..i get :((
Friday, May 15, 2009
Right to Defend
so, when you ask a lawyer, hypothetically,,would you defend a rapist? remember,,.if he doesnt...the father of the gal who was raped would probably murder her rapist and his father would murder her family and so on n so on...if lawyers stop doing their jobs..we would all be living in a huge pile of shit..u owe me do i get back? we have a contract dispute, how do we settle it? every aspect of our lives is governed by the law.. and who knows the law better than lawyers..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
X Men VS Gadis kampus 2009
After tht according to schedule we have skill lab at madang after friday prayers. Pleno finish on time at 10.30 and we have almost 2 hour plus before next cls so we ( me sham n poo) decided to go to madang and have our late breakfast and early lunch :)..where ?..emm ..PIZZA HUT!!
yummy yummy...
At skill lab we learn bout spitometry( lung function test) by using spirometer to get spirogram..
total 123 of us in big hall...we were divided into 2 groups.My groups starts 1st. Adnan my fellow cls mate was the 1st person to do the test followed by syahmi then my turn..yeayy happy:)
my result :
TV 400cc
ERV 1200 - 400 = 800
FEV1.0 1100
VC 1600
im done :)
Its friday nite....
we planning something
ok.. plan confirm...
X men and Novotel...
evening 5 plus we meet up in mall for movie..
we watched X men...i love it!!
finished around 9 plus then next plan is novotel to support boni my cls mate in gadis kampus 2009..its grandfinale!!!!
we calling thr and here to get taxi but juz couldnt get one...:((( so dissapointed!!
midnite 12 syahmi msg me juz to inform...its over and the winner of gadis kampus 2009 is .............................................BONITA so so proud of her..she deserve it..congrats bon!!
good night..ZZZZzzzzzz...the next day ..on saturday we have skill lab at RSMH..haih
the next morning syahmi telling malas la..i also malas...from 7.15 to 7.45 we were smsing telling each other malas la tu la ni la...why cant we juz get our ass up and get ready for skil lab last i decide to go... yes i move from home 8.10 am when the skill lab starts at 8am..hehe..
A day in Court (intro)
soo that was the first day in the High Court..
I have seen a certain Court of Appeal Judge who is known for his sternness, scolding the living daylights out of a was a corum of 3 judges..all the lawyer did was to stand up and address the court as ..yang arif, yang arif, yang arif...the Judge stopped him in his tracks..Where did you study? did you do bahasa melayu in school..u dont even know your language..if there are 10 of us here you are going to go on like a fool yang arif ten times issit? the plural for yang arif is yang arif yang arif...understand? the poor boy was so shaken up bet he wished he was a pilot..haha..
now well,,i dont get scared anymore of how i am gona intro myself..more of how i am gona make a fool of myself if my submissions are bullshit..or if the judge asks me something bout the law and i stand there a complete blur...or if i open my mouth and utter bullshit comes out and the judge knows i know crap.or worse still if the opposing lawyer realize im new and takes me for a ride....ahh...fear..its always there...i have only been in practice for a few months..never even conducted my own trial or major hearing..practice makes perfect i time..hopefully i can take on any lawyer in town..all i do now is say jasprit's name three times and im feeling better already :) i love u baby...ure not with me but ure always with me..ure my heart beat, my strenght, my eyes and my immune system ;) muaaahh
Thursday, May 7, 2009
path of men
Greatness is born out of a seed of destiny. A seed of destiny is akin to a successful person who never doubts himself. He knows he is destined for greatness. He is confident even at times when he should not be. His actions demand respect. People take notice of his presence. He is never afraid to make mistakes as he knows it will only make him stronger and prepare him for his impending greatness that is about to dawn unto the world. He is the seed of destiny.
On the other hand, crisis is born out of a seed of doubt.
On a dark and rainy day, a seed never grows, its a seed of doubt, it remains wondering if it will ever see the light of day, never brave enough to weather the storm and wait for the sun to shine soon dies.....
A person who lives in doubt will remain so for they are never brave enough, never strong enough, they never believe in themselves and they are always in doubt..they never last the race of life..A person who lives in doubt inflicts misery upon himself without ever realizing the path he choose is upon him.He never realizes he is the master of his own destiny and instead blames faith for everything., The grass always seem greener on the other side even when he is standing on the green of an 18 hole golf course. Doubt seems to engulf him and wraps tightly like a noose around his soul. He is the one who stand back and watches life pass him by. He is the one who was never brave enough to make a mistake for he feared it would break him. Break a solid metal, melt it, add some other metals in and let it cool, you would have a stronger metal. Breaking sometimes makes one stronger. He was the one who never allowed himself to get hurt,never allowed himself to get broken.. He never realizes that getting back together and stronger makes the pain worthwhile and the fruit all the more sweeter. The moment he saw trouble he ran instead of facing it like a man.
Sometimes though, doubt is induced or forced upon the seed... a seed might start off as an eager recipient of the fruits of life, embracing changes, tackling all challenges and remaining steadfast in the face of adversity..then along came that induced doubt,, with that the seed starts to wonder, will it ever survive, will it be able to live through a drought or a thunderstorm, it knows what it wants, it wants to grow into a tree and blossom into a beautiful flower,,it had that idea and held on to it steadfast..but now it had been placed in a state of doubt..somehow,,its dreams start to seem to distant a journey to travel, its hopes start to whither down like an old tree living through a long winter,
The person who seem so strong and confident with an overanxious, dreamy beginning starts to feel old..he wants to grow as a seed would grow, as a bud wants to flower, he wants to experience the changing seasons, he wants to ..he wants to..he wants to,,,,,,but he now cant..he doesnt believe it anymore, he doesnt want to believe it anymore, he is weak, he was never destined for greatness because he was weak all along... because he doubted himself and gave room for doubt to grow in his soul.. it now occupies his chest cavity and slowly releases the poison of doubt into his blood. He has stopped wondering, stopped dreaming.. he has learnt to accept his weakness and he knows he will never be great. ..and like a a seed of doubt, he dies a slow painful death...a crisis is thus born..
Being in control of one's destiny takes courage, love, determination, believe and confidence. A man chooses his path, not the other way round....
Volley Ball
ok..i went to the plc with sham,syahmi n meidina.she fetch sweet of her :)..thanks alot memed...
my team : me, sham,febby,huda,atirah,meidina,uti
1st round 25-23
2nd round 25-20
who won?...emmm...
who else if not '07'
congrats :)
Tuberculin Test
I was the 1st person being injected by the doctor itself. i tell u ...its damn painfull.:((
Then my turn to inject sham.yeahh..happy :) .she very cool.not afraid of me.Good reaction.
She was in pain also but not because of me ok!!..its the liquid and also of course the needle.
I enjoyed watching my friends screaming...hahahahaha..nice to see these soft spoken girls screaming..hahahah..but not long after tht ..poo came to me telling need someone to inject but look like nobody wants to gv their hand ..1st try is already bad i decided to gv her my right hand..earlier i was injected into my left hand...poo did very nice n good.pain?..yea but im cool with it..pain for 1 min oni..chill la.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Miracle Fruit

Miracle Fruit is available in three forms:
· The actual berries (which are usually frozen due to their high perishability),
· Freeze-dried fruit granules,
· Miracle fruit tablets.
Miracle Fruit has no known adverse effects. Western civilization has known about the fruit for over 275 years and no harmful effects have been documented.
Experiencing Miracle Fruit :
Berries : Put one berry in your mouth and gently scrape the fleshy part off the seed. Swirl this around your mouth for 2 minutes before swallowing.
Freeze-Dried Granules : Place approximately 1 gram of the granules in your mouth and let them slowly dissolve on and around your tongue. Wait at least one minute before swallowing.
Tablets : Place one tablet in your mouth and gently swirl it around with your tongue until dissolved.
Once you have consumed your Miracle Fruit, the tasting can begin!
striking remarks then follows.
small grins, dubious eyebrows,
oh--let the arguments begin!
time passes by...
only acquiring the habit we have begun.
though the longer the mockery is,
the harder it is revealing each other's identity.
...ironically--my only goal is to uncover the real "you."
unfortunately, there's just too many sarcasm,
and barely little of the real us...
I asked if we could change it,
you said "yes--we can."
deciding that nature will take its place
we set aside our worries and proceed with life.
while in our minds,
there's still a boundary keeping us apart.
will our friendship ever be at ease? my mind
I hope
I pray.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
What actually happens when we share. Knowledge for example, i always felt that when i explain to someone a certain concept or share my knowledge on a topic i understand it better. When i share my thoughts with my gf, in a way i understand myself better. By sharing i am able to make sense of things. Clear thoughts become clearer and hazy ones start to the light of day.
Sharing food on the other hand is downright disgusting especially in school when a friend comes and asks to share some water, the thought of having to place my mouth on the same spot as his..eee....well, my cousin amrit and my grandma takes the concept of not sharing to another level. At least i have warmed up to the idea of drinking out of the same bottle as my cousins and family. Under normal circumstances, I wouldnt share my food unless im sharing it with my gf, or devreet my little brother ( we sometimes buy chee chong fun place it in a bowl and dig into it). Again the normal rules that govern my life wouldnt apply when it comes to jasprit. Somehow when i fell in love with her, all i wana do is share with her, every detail , beautiful moments, worst memories, everything.
But do i share enough? apparently not.. I recently took a quiz on facebook titled how well do i know jasprit randhawa..and i didnt score that well.. She took my quiz and did even worse. As i believe we are destined to be together. i have all the time in the world to share my life stories with her and she with me.
Certain intimate details are however more difficult to share than others. But is there a need to share when sharing would make both parties uncomfortable? i used to believe ignorance is bliss. Certain things are better off left to the junkyard of history. But as i matured over the years, i have learnt that the deeper you bury the junk of your past, the bigger the explosion it would cause, and believe me all junk would surface someday or another no matter how deep you bury it. Thats why i started to believe the truth is the best way forward, concealing is as good as a lie. Feelings would get hurt, hearts would get broken, but its more of a subtle damage with even the weakest of minds capable of overcoming. So i made a choice to tell my gf everything bout me, a little at a time. Some ppl i know lead a double life. I wonder how they do it. They bury themselves so deep in shit i shudder to think wat would happen the day the shithole cover blows up someday.