one of my earliest memories is going to tadika..i went to pets kindergarten. Some Chinese at one point in time, i actually could speak mandarin.
and then there are memories of my taman. it was such a wonderful place to live. it was so cold and at nite at times we didnt even need to switch on the fan. there was a disused mining pool next to my taman and a hill where people flew in gliders..u dont find that anymore..then thr was a huge field where people frm all over came to play football..the selayang team practiced there. the place was so green. there was a jungle and all kinds of birds could be seen, Kingfishers one of them. then there was the river flowing through, at first ( before dirt frm factories in batu caves ruined it ) it was so clean. then slowly as the years went by u could see rubbish pilling up. once a big bunch of reptiles, really huge iguanas i think emerged frm the river and walked right up to our front yard. they were all over the taman. like crocodiles roaming about freely. but my chinese neighbours werent complaining though, they just went about catching them and cooked and ate them..haha..i remember the street in front my hse was a dead end. i could just lie on the road for a week and wouldnt get run over. we ( cousins and neighbours ) used to play bat and ball ( baseball as some call it ) in front of my hse. my uncle made a rule where if the ball was caught wt one hand the whole team was out..if 2 hands then only tht player was out..always wondered whr he came up wt tht rule.. then at the back of the taman thr was this chinese guy who ran a pig and cow farm. how i hated him..he still lives in the taman and i still hate him. there was once me n my cousins went to his shed to take some dry cow dung for baja. we took a little then as we were leavin he saw us and shouted..then he let his ferocious dogs loose, two big black dogs..we ran and i fell into a pool of cow dung.i was stuck there and the dogs were comin..somehow manage to get loose and ran for our lives...another time my cousin kashmin disturbed a calf and my bad luck i was there..the mother cow saw me n my cousin thought we were ones who disturbed its calf. we were on our bicycles, it chased after us..we sped home wt the cow behind us..we came home and closed the gate..the cow came to the gate and wa banging on the gates..even my dog who is usually a big hero as terrified..barking frm far didnt dare go near..finally the cow got tired and went off...haha...weird memories....then i had a neighbour who had a dog called was very fierce...and very scarry...if mickey was loose the streets were empty..once i was sitting in front the house..suddenly i saw ppl running helter skelter..mickey was loose...then right in front my eyes i saw my neighbour brothers age,,in front my hse..wt mickey right behind him..then all of a sudden his leg was in mickeys mouth...he was tryin to climb my car bt couldnt make it and mickey got to him first..then thr was also a mad dog who only chased after my cousin jaspal..once we were all sitting in the padang and tht mad dog got came to the padang..we all wanted to run bt then realized it was not after we just stood thr seeing the dog chase after jaspal round and round around a lorry..haha..n we were not bothered to help him...
k k..will carry on someother time..sleepy already now..goodnite...
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
4 months ago