blogger : jas
location : manunggal IV
My 1st post for this let me wish u all ' HAPPY NEW YEAR ..may this new year bring lots of happiness , joy, good health, pass with flying colors, and of course bank balance berjuta juta..if can, not less than 10juta..hahahaha..i believe all my UNSRIAN friends 100% agree with me.. :))
emmm..this year, till this date, this moment all went smooth..may god always bless me, family and sachhu man and keep all of us happy and of course tip top health status..not forgetting all my friends..GOD pls keep them good too yea..we all LOVE u so much..
Now, m at blok 16..bout psychiatry .. dealing with mental illness
so far i find this blok interesting , we had chance to visit mental hosp ( msia version : tanjung rambutan ) :)) .. great exposure and 1st time visiting tht kind of hosp..uhh..i like it ..yes i like it!!
exam coming very soon..another 7 days..oh yea..7 days !!
hope can do good..i pray to god to guide me and friends and pass US with flying colors..
after tht, we'r having short sems break..this means we complete our 5th time to enter 6th
we already completed half of our studies...but i dont feel anything..weird right??emm i hope all my med frens feel the same or is this some kind of symptom related to this blokk??NO..NO..
think positive..syahmi n poo said before..blaja med x susah mana pun ..i REMEMBER tht conversation buddies !!
UNSRIAN batch 07 non reg - ALL THE BEST !!
ok..let me touch lil bit on this sweet topic..
everyone knows when FEBRUARY COME..we get excited for 1 lovely day..actually only those in love will get excited :))
yes..... its VALENTINE DAY !!..
on this very special day, every guy will bring his gf our for dinner or some even exchange gifts..
sweet na.:))
i personally never celebrate valentine..only wishes over the phone..its more than enough for me..really appreciate that :)
so, for those celebrating or in love , im wishing u all HAPPY VALENTINE DAY :)
and for those not or havent found their soul mate..i wish u all GOOD LUCK ...:))
here i wana wish my sacchu man in advance .HAPPY VALENTINE DAY JAAN...:)
OK..memory out of order..not working idea to write..
hope to post again soon..
for now..enjoy this ok..
love u all
good luck for exam..
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
4 months ago
:) :) prity lady i love u too..happy valentines day my sweet love..muaaahhhh :)
ReplyDeleteYour Sachuu man